所有违反第九条的报告都被严肃对待. 在该机构得知关于基于性别的歧视或不当性行为的指控后,可在任何时候采取临时措施.

投诉人和被投诉人, 作为这件事的当事人, 双方有机会自费聘请双方选择的顾问(可以是律师,也可以不是律师). 顾问可以陪同当事人参加所有会议,并在整个过程中为各自当事人提供建议和建议, 包括提供问题, 对党的建议和指导, 但不得积极参与该过程,除非在 BOR 6.7.4 (D). All communication during the process will be between the institution and the party and not the advisor. 经当事人许可,顾问可以在所有通讯中抄写.

Efforts will be made to complete the investigation within a reasonable time-frame, 根据指控将决定哪一个, 证人和/或证据的可用性, etc. 在一个特殊情况下. Findings are determined using a preponderance of the evidence (more likely than not that a violation occurred).


第九条程序有四个主要阶段:投诉受理, 非正式解决或调查, 听力, 还有吸引力. 


当报告归档时, 第九条协调员将与投诉人(经历所报告的行为的人)联系,讨论如何解决报告的选择. 关于如何处理其报告,向投诉人提供了几种选择. 视乎投诉的性质,投诉人可要求:

  • 住宿和支持措施
  • 把报告存档,不进行调查
  • 让第九条协调员通过教育直接与被告(被指控犯下该行为的人)交谈, non-disciplinary, non-punitive谈话
  • 调查前的非正式解决(注意:各方必须同意,这通常不会导致被投诉人的不当行为被认定)
  • 调查后的非正式解决(注意:各方必须同意,这可能导致被投诉人的行为不当)
  • 经过听证程序的调查后的正式决议

适用于第九条规定的案件, 投诉人必须以书面形式向第九条协调员表明其是否希望将报告进入调查阶段.


非正式解决方案是投诉人达成的一项协议, 被调查者, 和机构在结束投诉时达成一致. 在调查过程中有两点可以通过非正式决议解决报告:在调查开始之前或在调查完成之后. Informal resolution prior to an investigation does not typically result in a finding of misconduct for the 被调查者; however, informal resolution after an investigation may result in a finding of misconduct for the 被调查者. 投诉人和被投诉人均可选择在达成解决方案之前的任何时间终止非正式解决方案,并要求进入正式程序. 一旦达成非正式决议,就不能上诉.

非正式解决方案的例子包括:不联系协议, 教育研讨会, 一张反射纸, etc. 用于调查后的非正式解决, 例子还包括纪律留校察看, 悬架, 或其他符合行为程序的制裁.


一旦要求进行调查, 或者第九条协调员已经签署了正式投诉, 将指派一名调查员. This is an 公正的 individual whose role is to collect as much information as possible from the Complainant, 被调查者, and any other parties who have relevant information to share related to the complaint. 调查人员还将向投诉人收集任何证据, 被调查者, 或者其他党派有短信之类的, 视频, 截图来自社交媒体, 图片, etc.

The investigator will start by reaching out to the Complainant to schedule an interview. This is the Complainant’s opportunity to share their story with the investigator. 一旦调查员与投诉人会面, 投诉人及被投诉人将获发调查通知书, 其中包括双方的身份, 被指控的行为, 事件发生的日期和地点(如果知道的话). 这也是被投诉人通过书面陈述和/或与调查人员会面来回应指控并分享其故事的机会.

All parties have the opportunity to have a support person or advisor with them during the investigation process. 另外, the Complainant and 被调查者 in student 不正当的性行为 cases can be involved as much, 或者很少, 根据他们的选择.

在进行访谈和收集信息之后, the investigator will draft an investigation report which summarizes the relevant information and evidence, 包括是否有足够的资料保证进一步考虑和裁定涉嫌违反政策的行为。. This report will be shared with the Complainant, 被调查者, 以及他们的顾问, 如果适用的话. Both parties will have the opportunity to respond to the report, if they choose.


If a case is not resolved through informal resolution after the investigation, 报告将最终定稿并发送给学生行为办公室(学生)或人力资源办公室(员工)进行裁决. A copy of the final investigation report will also be shared with the Complainant, 被调查者, 以及他们的顾问, 如果适用的话. 适当的办公室将指派一名听证官,他将与双方沟通,讨论听证过程的细节. 投诉人和被投诉人也将有机会提供他们希望在听证会上传唤的证人. 对于遵循第九条程序的案件, the Complainant and 被调查者 must have an advisor at 听力 who will conduct cross examination. If either party does not have an advisor, the institution will provide one for them.

听证小组将由三名训练有素的教职员工组成. The Complainant and 被调查者 may request to provide testimony in a separate room from the other party, 只要没有一方处于不公平的不利地位, and they have the opportunity to view the testimony remotely and submit follow-up questions.

一旦听证小组作出决定, the Complainant and 被调查者 have the opportunity to submit an appeal based on limited grounds.


在发出制裁的任何情况下,可允许上诉, 即使这些制裁被“搁置”,例如试用期或开除. Where the sanction imposed includes a 悬架 or expulsion (even for one held in abeyance), 必须提供以下上诉程序.

The 被调查者 (and in cases involving sexual misconduct or other forms of discrimination and/or harassment, the Complainant) shall have the right to appeal the outcome on any of the following grounds:

(1)考虑新的信息, 足以改变决定, 原审(或上诉)未提出来的其他有关事实。, because such information was not known or knowable to the person appealing during the time of 听力 (or appeal);

(2)指控听证过程中的程序错误,可能严重影响听证(或上诉)的公正性。, 包括但不限于是否有任何听证会问题被不当排除,或者该决定是否受到第九条协调员的利益冲突或偏见的影响, 进行长, 调查员(s), decision makers(s); or

(3) to allege that the finding was inconsistent with the weight of the information. 上诉必须以书面形式提出, 必须列出上面列出的一个或多个基础, 必须提交 5个工作日内 最后书面决定的日期. 上诉应向该机构的校长或其指定人员提出. 365bet中文的指定研究员是. 文斯·米勒,学生事务副主席. 

上诉只能是对记录的复审, 不需要与被投诉人或任何投诉人重新会面. 院长或其指定人员可确认原来的调查结果并予以制裁, affirm the original finding but issue a new sanction of greater or lesser severity, remand the case back to any lower decision maker to correct a procedural or factual defect, or reverse or dismiss the case if there was a procedural or factual defect that cannot be remedied by remand. 院长或其指定人的决定应在合理期限内同时以书面形式发给各方. The President or their designee’s decision shall be the final decision of the institution.

Should the 被调查者 or Complainant (where applicable) wish to appeal the final institutional decision, 他们可以要求校董会根据校董会的酌情审查政策进行审查.

在上述指定截止日期之后收到的申诉将不予考虑,除非院校或校董会在截止日期之前批准延期. If an appeal is not received by the deadline the last decision on the matter will become final.

为解决所报告的基于性别的歧视或性行为不端事件的影响,实施了便利和临时措施. Accommodations are those actions provided to the individual who is requesting them for themselves, 比如对个人学业的调整, 工作, 或者生活安排. Parties may speak with the 第九条协调员 to determine what may be appropriate for them.


  • 无联系协议
  • 空间的变化
  • 教师的通知
  • 停车调整
  • 课程调整
  • 报告主管变动
  • 工作时间或地点发生变化
  • 其他调整,以满足个人需求

在机构意识到所谓的性行为不端后,机构可以在任何时候实施临时措施,并应旨在保护任何学生或美国政府社区的其他个人. 在某种程度上实施临时措施, 应尽量减轻投诉人和被投诉人的负担, 在可行的地方.


  • 更改房屋契约
  • 发布“禁止联系”指令
  • 限制或禁止进入某些机构财产
  • 学业或就业安排、时间表或监督的变化
  • 临时停业
  • Other measures designed to promote the safety and well-being of the parties and the institution’s community.

The issuing of an accommodation or interim measure does not mean a decision has been made regarding the investigation, only that an accommodation or interim measure is supported by the available information.


VSU咨询中心 229-333-5940
港湾强奸危机中心 229-244-4477 
VSU支持/咨询线 833-910-3365
格鲁吉亚危机和访问热线 800-715-4225
弗吉尼亚州立大学校园警察 229-259-5555
全国家庭暴力热线 800-799-7233
国家性暴力资源中心 http://www.nsvrc.org/


365bet中文致力于提供各种选择, 为性侵犯受害者/幸存者提供支持和援助, 家庭暴力, 约会暴力, and/or 跟踪 to ensure that they can continue to participate in campus programs, 活动, 和就业. 这些罪行和侵犯行为的所有受害者/幸存者, 不分种族, color, 国家的起源, 宗教, creed, age, 残疾, sex, 性别认同或表达, 性取向, 家族的地位, 怀孕, 易感遗传特征, 军事地位, 家庭暴力受害者身份, 或者刑事定罪, 拥有以下权利, 无论犯罪或违规是否发生在校园内, 在校外, 或者在国外学习时:


  1. 向当地执法部门和/或州警察报告.
  2. 有家庭暴力的披露吗, 约会暴力, 跟踪, 性侵犯也被严肃对待.
  3. 决定是否披露犯罪或违规行为,并参与司法或行为程序和/或刑事司法程序,而不受机构的压力.
  4. 参与一个公平的过程, 公正的, 并提供足够的注意和一个有意义的机会被倾听.
  5. 受到有尊严的对待,并礼貌地接受机构的接待, fair, 以及尊重的医疗保健和咨询服务, 如果有.
  6. Be free from any suggestion that the reporting individual is at fault when these crimes and violations are committed, or should have acted in a different manner to avoid such crimes or violations.
  7. 向尽可能少的机构代表描述事件,并且不需要不必要地重复描述事件.
  8. 不受机构的报复, 被告及/或被告, 和/或他们的朋友, 在该机构管辖范围内的家人和熟人.
  9. 对裁决至少有一级上诉的机会.
  10. Be accompanied by an advisor of choice who may assist and advise a reporting individual, 指责, 在整个司法或行为过程中,包括与该过程有关的所有会议和听证会期间,或被告.
  11. Exercise civil rights and practice of 宗教 without interference by the investigative, 刑事司法, 或学院的司法或行为程序.


VSU咨询中心 229-333-5940
VSU支持/咨询线 833-910-3365
格鲁吉亚危机 & 接驳线(GCAL) 800-715-4225
弗吉尼亚州立大学校园警察 229-259-5555


如果你被指控违反了第九条(答辩人) 第九条协调员 能告诉你校内和校外可用的资源,以及为你提供更多关于这个过程的信息吗. 



1. 受到大学官员的尊重;

2. To be given written notice of any charges of alleged violations of university or system policy;

3. To be advised of and review the evidence associated with the case to the extent permitted by law;

4. To request a delay of a hearing or conference due to extenuating circumstances, provided that the grant of such request is in the discretion of the 第九条协调员; this is the same for the Complainant

5. 在认为可能存在偏见或利益冲突的情况下,质疑调查人员和/或性行为不端听证小组成员的客观性;

6. To admit responsibility for any or all charges of alleged violations of university or board policy;

7. 拒绝发表声明;

8. 提出他们对所讨论事件的看法;

9. 让证人代表自己提供事实情况;

10. 在整个过程中有一名顾问协助他们;

11. To be accompanied by an Advisor should the case go before a hearing panel; and

12. 对不当性行为听证结果提出上诉的权利, in accordance with the standards for appeal established in the university policy.